About Us
This portal is an individual registration tool for events intended exclusively for Youth, Pathfinders and Adventurers Ministries, and cannot be used for any other ministry or department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Registrants must be previously registered in a Pathfinder, Adventurers, Youth Ministry, or the Staff of an Conference, Union or Division. A person can be registered in more than one ministry, however, when registering, they must use the access data of the respective event management platform.
Youth Ministry Management System - YMMS: Youth Ministry Management Platform
Club Management System - CMS: Pathfinder and Adventurer Club Management Platform
This portal, as well as the Youth Ministry Management System, Club Management System, Find a Club Portal, Youth Ministry Leader Site and the applications of Youth, Pathfinders and Adventurers Ministries were developed by "RDORVAL Soluções em Tecnologia", and are hosted on Adventist Institute of Technology (IATec). All rights to all of these platforms, systems and applications belong to the South American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church